четверг, 26 октября 2023 г.


Trouver La Paix - Dialogue

miniCD-R with surface printing, packaged first in a mini-slimbox and then in a colored canvas sleeve.
7 hand-numbered copies

Pseudo-reading of the roles of Philonus's dialogue with Hylas, carried out by an anonymous international project. Seventy-year-old philosophy, walled up beyond recognition by a noise, uneven, vibrating shroud. After listening, you run the risk of finding unidentified books at home with voices in your head.


среда, 18 октября 2023 г.


Pulsating Veins - The Spots

miniCD-R with printing on surface + miniDVD-R with bonus video material, packaged in a double Half-DVD-BOX.
7 hand-numbered copies.

We present to you a small EP for connoisseurs of the aesthetics of monotony and slow (barely noticeable) transformations. Four five-minute noise spots from an honored hnw-architect from the Belarus. Listen and then find and experience the beauty of spots from your own living environment and space.


The publication includes a bonus video containing the art process of generating spots on the sidelines of our Republic: