суббота, 18 сентября 2021 г.


Mykoriza – Dumay Kak Les

Noise/Drone/Abstract/Psychedelic/Dark Ambient

CD-R with printing on the surface, packed in Half-DVD-box. (40 hand-numbered copies)

Audio fixation of field experiments from the Leningrad psychonauts. Rooted droning meditation for the sake of raising the level of arboreal self-awareness. We recommend that you consume this product by looping it in an endless circle, smelling it with moss and lichen in the process.

Listen: https://arsenylitvin.bandcamp.com/album/pmr-66-mykoriza-dumay-kak-les

воскресенье, 5 сентября 2021 г.


Kshatriyas Against Time - La Visitation de Pan (en Trois Actes)

Dark Ambient / Drone

CD-R with printing on the surface, packed in Half-DVD-box. (50 hand-numbered copies)

In the rootless earth, under the flooded stone,

in the reproved cave, on the sacred Peninsula,

by this offering composed, the faun be thanked.

Listen: https://arsenylitvin.bandcamp.com/album/pmr-65-kshatriyas-against-time-la-visitation-de-pan-en-trois-actes